As I've clicked on many of the blogs in my blogroll over the past several days there's been a discussion amongst many of you to which I just can't relate.
And that discussion revolves around getting ready for BlogHer.
Sadly , I won't be at BlogHer and... well I'm just sick over it.
There are so many uber cool peeps that I've encountered in the mere five months I've been blogging ...many I'm really just dying to meet in person. But sadly my dreams of hobknobbing with the elite won't be realized.
Because my blog was created in an effort to help preserve my sanity, I felt it was time that I get out the feeling which I've internalized and is slowly driving me crazy by not releasing it.
And that is...that i.
So this ,my friends, is my pity party of sorts and my present to myself is this blog badge which I shall not so proudly display on my site.

Aah, that was cathartic.
I'll be ok. I really will.
Don't even give me a second thought.
But if you wanted to get an emergency collection together for me for next year I won't stand in your way.
I'm not going either, and I could realistically drive there if I wanted. But really, I haven't even bothered to join Blogher yet, so I think my not going is really more laziness than anything else.
Maybe we'll BOTH go next year...
Yeah, I planned on driving if I went. I was super excited and wanted to go. Like two months ago. Now I just don't care. (But I want to see pictures, DAMMIT!)
It's okay...I'm going to JackFest. (I just keep telling myself that the Stray Cat Reunion is, like, the BEST THING EVER. If I don't STOP thinking that, I don't have time to think about how that's not true.)
I was thinking I'd go next year instead (I'll be more *seasoned* by then, anyway. Ha.) but I think it will be on the west coast and I wouldn't want to fly. I'm really cheap.
What's BlogHer and should we all be planning a trip next year...?
Yes, I live under a rock and it's called Florida.
I want to go too. But I'm a guy. Us guy bloggers keep talking about a BlogHim in Vegas but we're all too lazy to do anything but talk.
Nice button. Good work, that is.
I'm not going either. AND I'm going to be in Chicago this weekend, just NOT at Blogher. Now that's messed up!
I don't even know about this thing so I guess I'm not going to pout about it. When I get rich I'm going all over the country and visit bloggers
well, if it's any consolation, I live in Australia and will probably NEVER get to go.
Yeah, I'm not going either. Boo.
This is the second year that I'm not going and I feel like the kid who always gets picked last for the team.
I am so with you on this! I am WAY MORE THAN JEALOUS! We have to go next year.....just think of all the trouble we could get into together! Start saving your pennies....I know I am! :)
By the way....I am stealing the button....THANKS!
Why,Lollie it's only the female Blogger convention (she says pushing on big rock that is trapping Lollie)
Oh Matthew, if you have "BlogHim" in Vegas I'm so going in drag. You know you could probably do the same thing for BlogHer :)
Queen - Of course you can steal. I love that you're displaying your misery proudly along with me. That's a true friend!
It does make it easy for me that BlogHer is in Chicago because that's where my family lives. Most of the bloggers I "know" aren't going.
My now educated, previously crushed ribs thank you.
Maybe we should plan our own non-blogher weekend. I mean, how fun can it be if were all not there?
I like your thinking,Sugar. Of course it wouldn't be fun if we're nto there. What was I thinking ! ;)
I don't even know what it is, but I want to go with you next year, too. Do we get to have beverages at blogher and fun girl time???? I'm in.
Not going either... I'm pretty sure that I never will either. Oh, well. I'll live vicariously through every other blogger that's going...
I won't be there either. Maybe we should start a club called the Bitter Un-Bloghers.
I'll join the club. I'm bitter, bitter, bitter. I like to appease my crazy jealousy by telling myself that by next year, I'll be SO AWESOME that they'll pay my way AND ask me to speak. Yeah... I'm a bit of a dreamer. :-)
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