Age this picture about 35 years and there you have it. Ha Ha, sorry fooled you. I'm not quite ready to take the leap of posting a current pic. Besides, I wouldn't want my little bliggity blog here to be the cause of anyone becoming violently ill.
Here's to wishing you the very best of weekends !
Oh yeah, I'm the karate chopping baby on the right.
oh boy...I can certainly get a good idea of you now. tHanks a LOT!!!
I love the karate chop!
For some reason I can't see it!
Aw just post a picture wouldya...I will if you will...
not only do i not get to see what you look like NOW, i didn't get to see what you looked like THEN because the picture didn't load. arg!
The pic didn't load for me either. Frickin' Brackin'. But I bet you were the CUTEST karate-chopping baby EVER. :-)
Either you are very white and very blank, or it's not loading for me as well...
I can't see it! =(
I can't see it either. Double trickery.
I respect your want to not post your picture...but I highly doubt anyone would become even slightly ill.
Oh Lollie, how you slay me ! :)
Sorry to all who couldn't see the pic. That's ok, you weren't missing much. I've reposted it and you might be able to see 3 day old worker mommy.
JJ- give me a few months and I promise I will!
so so so so SO cute!!!
You were probably just saying, "Hi there other little baby!" But it came out "HI-YAH!!"
You both kind of look like you're going to heee-ya! and karate-chop each other.
WM- we probably were ready to karate chop one another...hell after sharing the womb for 8 months and being cramped for space we were ready to fight our way out!
hello -
You were very cute - both of you!
so you are a twin and you are mother to twins as well? Does that mean you are a fraternal twin? (Cause they run in families, don't they???)
Very cute!
So I guess twins don't skip a generation in your family...does this mean if you tried again, you'd get twins again?
Most likely Cherann...and that my friends is why I'm NOT trying again :)
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