I got this in an email forward entitled "How to Pay Bills when you're Pissed". I have to say I am rather amused by it. Besides it would have worked wonders when the Power Company did this to me.
too funny...your power company post reminded me of when i got an overdue bill for just a few pennies that later turned into a big whopping late fee and a million phone calls to salvage the bloody mess.
You really have to do a follow-up blog to tell what the company's reaction is to this wonderful mathematical formula. Don't know how much your bill is for, but in principle you could legally fight the late/non-payment fees!
I used to be Worker Mommy. Then WM. And while I like a certain degree of anonymity, I'm getting confused with all these "identities". In case you're wondering I still work and I'm still a "mommy". But now just plain old Stacey: generally sarcastic, perpetually tired and maybe a little goofy thrown in for good measure. Wife to hubby and mom to twins B(son) and J(daughter),11 stepdaughters TomGirl, 21 and GT,19, and one furbaby.
If you wish to send money, free vacations or just share the love email me:im (dot)a(dot)twinz(dot)mommy(at)gmail(dot) com or follow me on Twitter: @twinmomoftwinz
too funny...your power company post reminded me of when i got an overdue bill for just a few pennies that later turned into a big whopping late fee and a million phone calls to salvage the bloody mess.
HA! That is great!
No, lame...BUSY! Scratch that - lame. Wait... I say, busyyyyyyyyyLAME. Yes. Lame. Or maybe busy?
Me? I'm just busy being lame.
LOL! Oh, that's great!
oh lordy that check is GOLDEN. If I only knew what that meant, or how to do it, I would soooo do that to Dish Network
You really have to do a follow-up blog to tell what the company's reaction is to this wonderful mathematical formula. Don't know how much your bill is for, but in principle you could legally fight the late/non-payment fees!
omg, that is hilarious. i have got to start writing checks!
I got that in an email recently and can't wait to use that line!
What now bitches!
Ha, Lollie I think you got it right. I'm busyyyylame.
I work with engineers so I see this one a lot with a quip about how smart they are.
haha too funny
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