Because I can't bare to have you worry like that I stopped by to share some photos with you.
Only they're probably not what you had hoped for.
Vegas was absolutely fabulous (minus the ordeal depicted below)... but more on that later.
I have a crazier story to share.

What is this you might ask?
Well, this would be two quarters being retrieved from my son B's throat. Yes, my son swallowed two quarters and they became lodged in his esophagus. He's absolutely fine now minus a little throat irritation but it was scary to say the least.
I shall share the ordeal in my next post. I know I owe memes and I promise I'll get to them but for now I gotta end the madness here at work and go pick up my little 50 Cent (uh I mean B).
OMG! Thank goodness he is ok! I was a little worried about you. Glad all is well!
I really was wondering were you were!!
So scary about B! I'm glad he's okay!
Let us know about vegas as soon as you get the chance!
Did the doctors take the $0.50 as a down payment on the bill?
"My little 50 cent......."haaaaaaaaa! I just made my six year old come look at the pics, "...and this is why we don't put money & other small objects in our mouth...." I think he got the point. Glad you're back & all is well. Finally got you added to the blogroll today.
Holy crap!
I'm glad hes' okay!
maybe he didn't swallow them, maybe his sister was playing him like a slot machine
Well, you've CERTAINLY been missed! I've been wondering about you! I just showed this post to my husband and we were duly impressed--and will be keeping money away from our kiddos!
Love your 50 cent joke! Glad he's okay.
OMG! Scary indeed. Cool pics, though. Rather interesting, and a unique keepsake.
that is scary! glad he is okay though. i think you should defintely call him 50 cent from here on out though, he's earned it!
I knew exactly what this was! I saw a special a few weeks ago about removing foreign objects from the body on the Discovery channel. There was a picture exactly like this one, but they were retrieving a hard candy from a 3-year-old's throat. The photo reminded me of my arthroscopic knee surgery pictures. Glad he's okay. Did you ask the doc what the weirdest thing he ever removed was? I would've.
That is just freaky! Funny....I was just about to leave you a comment along the lines of where are you! I suppose emergency coins from throat extractions is a good reason not to blog....if you HAVE to find one! (hee-hee)
Can't wait to hear the stories!
One would have been impressive, but TWO?
wow i'm glad B's ok and those pictures are incredible two whole quarters geez!
Oh my gosh! That is one scary photo. Phew. Glad everyone is okay.
YIKES!! Poor B. =o( Glad he's okay.
I'm gonna need to hear about Vegas now.
Oh my LORD - This tops my bee drinkin' HANDS DOWN! Your poor son - and poor you too! You must have been worried sick. Thank goodness everything turned out OK. Yowsa! That will make a great story to share with his prom date someday. ;)
Eep! I am very glad that my own child coughed up the pendant lodged in his esophagus on his own. Because that looks like even less fun than what I went through.
I'm glad he was OK. :)
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