Monday, January 14, 2008

Waa-Waa-Waa, Whine, Whine...that's all you'll hear here.

Complaint Desk: Complaint Desk, How may I help you?

Me: Yeah, Hi, um I have a complaint

CD:Yes ma’am how can we help ?

Me:Well, first off I had a horrible weekend, it all started when I said “not this weekend” to my stepdaughters younger brother coming to spend the weekend and my husband overrode me. He’s such a softie. All it takes is a couple of alligator tears from a six year old boy and he just rolls over. I mean c’mon. So that resulted in me having not one, not two but five kids this weekend between the ages of 4 – 14.

CD: Oooh that’s rough, but…

Me: You betcha, then to make matters worse my team got spanked in the playoffs. Their season is over. Now what will I do to tap in to my inner 25 year old male if I can’t drink beer, yell obscenities and get out all my pent up aggression during the games.

CD:Right , gotcha , hmmm, that is a tough one, but uh…

Me: The rest of my weekend was spent refereeing arguments between the 4 year olds and the 6 year old. The 6 year old and the 13 year old. The 13 year old and the 14 year old. Then when I finally got a moment to relax once the twins were in bed and hubby returned from taking 14,13 & 6 home we decided to order a movie. You ever heard of Vacancy ? No ? Well there is probably a reason for it. It sucked ass. Bad, bad, ending… So yeah, there was 86 minutes I'll never get back.

CD: But you did finally get to rest right ?

Me: Well sure but then I had to get up at o’dark thirty to get ready for work. Still suffering from “I didn’t-have-a-relaxing-weekend-itis” I hit snooze one to many times and was 1 hour late for work.

CD:Uhh ma’am are you quite finished ?

Me: No, no I was going to tell you about how because I was late I had to drive and use metered parking. When I went out to feed my meter just now the machine was broken so I wound up needing to move my car and when I finally found a parking space I got out,fed that meter and then promptly stepped in dogshit.

CD: Oooo, I didn’t see that coming.

Me: So what do I do now ?

CD: Uh, Ma’am, this is the complaint line for Acme Foods we can’t actually help you with those things here

Me: Oh , right yes, I knew that, well I did have a problem with my frozen lunch entrée…

CD: Ok, ma’am then we should talk about that

Me: Right…

* And that folks is how off the deep end these last few days have driven me and I may or may not have been curled up in a ball rocking back in forth when I made this call.


Sugar Kane said...

Wow, that's a whole lot o' kids! I'm surprised you even made it work.

But,you were cheering for the Seahawks, so what did you expect?

Stacey said...

Hear ye , Hear ye : Anyone and I mean anyone who trashes the Seahawks will be on my list...

And well...that's just somewhere you don't wanna be.

Life As I Know It said...

wow, what a nice customer service rep. Maybe I'll call a complaint line the next time I need to complain to someone...

Hope your week gets better. You deserve some me-time after spending the weekend with alllll those kids!

Ann(ie) said...

*Snif* game made me sad. I love me some Matt Hasselbeck, too. *snif* sad,sad so sad.

Lollie said...

Someone should start a business where we can all just call in and vent. No worries about being called a bitch, or the recipient wanting a divorce, or the threat of being beaten up afterwards. Just an ear at the end of the telephone.

Wait, I think that service is called Mom.

But I guess this would just add to your aggravation eh, Workermommy? Bad idea. Never mind...

Butrfly Garden said...

I have to say, I'm definitely NOT a Packer fan...and Holmgren WAS once a Packer.

They're my Uncle's team, too, so I won't go trashing.

At least you make whining interesting!! :D

And you can drink lots of beer at the Superbowl. Even I watch the Superbowl and I normally don't have the attention span to get through more than a half.

Sugar Kane said...

Hey, at least it was a better showing than the pre-season game. But, your quarterback is a balding republican so...

Mariposa said... were able to vent, for real! lol

Anonymous said...


I'd like to say I Been There...but I refuse to have that many kids together at home at once...

Maureen said...

Well, just think... it can't get any worse, can it? So have a better week and next time you get overruled, leave hubby with the kids and take yourself to a hotel or at the very least, a spa for the day.

Claire said...

Hope the week is better!

Stacey said...

SK - It's on now. He may be balding and he may be a Republican but I loves me some Matt Hasselbeck

Anonymous said...

Wow there is some smack talking going on around here!

That's a whole lotta kids, and a whole lotta frustration. Somebody should invent a complaint line just for situations like this.

Sugar Kane said...

If you're threat is anything like the Hawks defense I have nothing to worry about. I mean, a 50 year old quarterback schooled you guys.

Stacey said...

Yeah we had an off day...but look how far we got, Miss Missy...not every team can say that

P.S. Brett Favre can bite my ass.

Stacey said...

P.P.S - You don't wan't none of this, missy.

you da mom! said...

good job on "refereeing!" i would have totally had to look that word up.

Virtualsprite said...

Oohhh... them's fightin' words. My dad and two of my sisters have season tickets to the Packers. My toddler has a Brett Favre jersey that he really likes to wear.

But I can sympathize with the weekend. That is a damn lot of kids to herd around. And I so hate it when the men go behind our backs and against our wishes with kids. Really. Like they won't have repercussions.

Unknown said...

omygoodness...that is terrible! when it rains it pours...hopefully THIS weekend will be better for you.

Anonymous said...

I hope everything gets better soon. And can you give me that complaint line phone number?