Saturday night I had without a doubt the most unique overnight guest. Or guests shall I say - there were two of them. Two cute little ponies spending the night.
No I don't live in the country, I live in a normal residential area several miles south of Seattle in a well populated city.
My guests were very well behaved I might add. They even went so far as to mow my lawn. Er, eat it , I mean. And fertilize it too. Alot. Big round steaming piles of fertilizer. For as small as my equine guests were they sure dumped quite a load.
Did they just crash the party you may be asking ? Nope they were invited, only I thought they'd be leaving instead of hunkering down at the house o' Worker Mommy. Here's how it all went down. Those of you that having been reading my blog for sometime know that my oldest stepdaughter, TomGirl scored a job at the pony place where the twins had their 4th birthday party.
Saturday night I had my bff and her family over to celebrate her daughters upcoming birthday. TomGirl suggested we call Sarah,her boss, and see if she'd bring a pony as a present for my bff's daughter.
Sarah came and brought not one but two ponies for free. So of course we fed her and thanked her profusely and well maybe we loosened her up with a beer or two. And being the responsible adult she is, she didn't want to drive home.
So there you have it, she, her son and Izak and Kip, my pony pals, all crashed at my house Saturday evening.
I can't tell you how cool
That was truly one for the record books.

Wow - and people were scolding me for not including pictures in my last post...
I know , I know...I'll try and add some. It was dark when I took most of the pictures so they are quite hard to see.
Now THAT is something you don't see everyday! Can you imagine the subdivision restrictions you broke? Boggles the mind! (hee-hee)
That is a bit odd. But it could be worse. The aliens could have come again!
What a treat for the kids...and your lawn. :)
I am so jealous! I can't wait to see pictures. I would love to have horse house guests. Of course I'm also planning on being a vet some day, so maybe that's why!
Your kids must have that was the coolest ever. They will be telling the story about the pony slumber party for years.
Wow. My girls would be in heaven if we had two ponies sleeping in our backyard. Not that we could quite fit 2 ponies in our backyard, but still...
Oh man! That's incredible. Ponies in a suburban backyard... my stepdaughter would be so jealous!
That would be weird and cool all at the same time. It would be like a childhood dream coming to life!!!
that could never happen in my neighborhood. I'd have the HOA after me and every neighbor complaining to me about it.
omg, that totally made my laugh out loud. i can't even imagine having two ponies in my backyard overnight. and the steaming piles of fun!
I'm curious who got to clean up the steaming piles of horse poo. I'd like to see a picture of said horses.
I haven't been here (or anywhere!) in ages. But I'm catching up--or trying to. My kids would positively die of jealousy. (And I love the pics!!)
I love how the blurriness of the pictures enhances the feeling that the ponies in your backyard "was all a dream..."
Haha, lollie - it DOES do that! I wondered if the blurriness was on purpose.
Sunshine would just be paralyzed with glee if we brought a REAL! PONY! to our house! hahah. Lucky kids you've got there!
Omaha Mama - If you guessed hubby on the poop scooping then you'd be correct. He's got a better stomach when it comes to that stuff.
Aah, Lollie, you never cease to make me laugh.
Maybe it was all a dream! When you click on the pictures to make them larger they get a little less blurry but not much. *sigh* not sure why they came out so bad and I took several.
You and me with the urban ponies!
cute! and how handy that they mowed your lawn.
send them over here. They can 'mow' my lawn anytime. But the fertilizing... they can do that on your lawn. :)
How truly Cool! My daughter would have flipped out. She wouldnt have slept all night....just watched the ponies.
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