Thursday, September 6, 2007

Discovering new trash to pervert my mind

I took the day off work yesterday to do the last of the "pre" preschool readiness activities but never wound up making it.

When I picked up the twins from FMCP's the night before my son B was coughing,sneezing,sniffling and generally feeling miserable. I assumed a good nights rest would have him feeling better in no time but night time rest really wasn't in the cards as it turned out.
His cold medicine slumber lasted about 6 hours and then he was up and wired unbeknowst to me until I found him down in the pantry at 4 a.m. with fruit snacks in hand and toothbrush laying beside him.
"Whatcha doin ?" I asked trying hard not to laugh
"I got some fruit snacks... but I'm gonna brush my teeth afterwards" he said picking up the toothbrush and waving it at me.
I chuckled and said "you need to get back in bed it is late"
"Ok, after I finish my snacks".
But then he didn't go to sleep, not until 5 a.m. and then he was out. So I let him sleep.
By the time he woke back up around 8:30 a.m. the congestion and such had set back in so I knew I'd never make it to the parent workshop.
So I resigned myself to a day at home. I made him comfortable,set J up with some of her favorite toys and activities and then sat down to rest and watch a little tube.

I now know why daytime tv gets a bad rap. Because daytime tv is utter trash. And what's with the court shows ? It would appear that each network has about six of these shows. When I was growing up there was only one. Good old Judge Wapner. Now there's Judge Judy,Judge Alex,Judge Cristina and Judges Curly ,Moe and larry. Its crazy !
If you haven't seen these shows let me tell you they are pure DRA -MA. Sisters cracking each other over the head with beer bottles, roommates needing to tie one another up with bed sheets to prevent the other from trashing the house while in a mushroom induced haze. Ordinary people airing their dirty laundry in front of the world. Who does that ?

Oh Wait. I do. On this blog. Just about every day.

HA, no wonder I found those shows so wickedly appealing. a train wreck kind of way that is.


Butrfly Garden said...

Utter trash indeed!

I used to watch that show Passions when I was a SAHG (Stay at home girlfriend - no kids. yeah, I drove myself crazy) and after a while I was like "I can't take it anymore!!" I usually watched cartoons instead.

Butrfly Garden said...

PS - hope B feel better!!

Jennifer said...

That's so funny, I was going to do a post about the idiots on shows like Dr. Phil and Jerry Springer who air their dirty laundry for the whole world to see. Then I realized, I do it EVERYDAY.

~Jennifer said...

Oh, I know! And have you paid attention to the kinds of commercials that run during those shows? You can really tell who the target audience is; the jobless, the depressed, stay-at-home moms, and old people.

Rebecca said...

trashy tv - one of the consolations of staying home with sick kids - and some fine inspiration for your blog!

Dapoppins said...

Here by way of some mutual friends....the tooth brush and the fruit snacks= too funny.

Anonymous said...

Yup. My skid marks are every my bad boy.

Hope little man feels better soon.

I used to watch all the daytime trash, now Fa has noggin on most of the time we are home...I'ts background noise most of the time...

I DVR the Good trash.

Virtualsprite said...

I love the 4 a.m. fruit snack run. We have them a lot in our house. :-)

Hate daytime TV, too. When I was working part time, I would try to watch the View and try to think of five people who were more idiotic than Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

I never could.

Lollie said...

I am experiencing the in Brooklyn I work out of the apartment, so I whip the TV on for background noise. Crap - it's all crap (especially the Judges)! Thank the stars for Bravo Top Chef and Project Runway rerun marathons.

Whiskeymarie said...

Even I, the master of bad t.v, cannot stand most of what's on during the day (which I usually see anyways). The morning shows grate on me after about 3 minutes.
Instead of t.v, I sit in front of my computer and put humiliating things about myself on it for the world to see...

Anonymous said...

I can listen our local ABC affiliate channel in my car, so oftentimes I'll be driving and listening to Dr. Phil (when I get tired of listening to songs on the radio). I am so repulsed by the guests he has on, yet strangely drawn to their idiocy (is that a word?). I find myself rushing home to see what these people look like! Trash TV, gotta love it!

Jane, P&B Girls

Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful for all the bloggers who air their dirty laundry and who read mine. It keeps me sane. Real life is so much better than t.v.

Hope your little guy feels better soon.

Alex Elliot said...

I hope your son feels better! Every once in a while I'll have a Lifetime TV day. Horrible movies that I normally wouldn't watch, but sometimes they're just what I need.

Anonymous said...

My TV is rarely on and never in the daytime (maybe I need to turn it on and laugh), but the fruit snacks and toothbrush by his side cracked me up.

First time here, love the place.

Maude Lynn said...

Love that he had his toothbrush at the ready!

MommasWorld said...

Thank goodness for cable. I can watch old movies any time of the day. Trying to think of the last time I watched DayTime TV...I think I had the flu and watched a soap opera. Guess what? It was still the same as it was when I was a teenager. Maybe it was a repeat he.he.he.

Sounds like son B had a case of the munchies. What do they put in that cold medicine these days. I hope he feels better and you get some rest.

Cherann said...

that's why the only daytime tv I watch is Noggin or Disney...