Not this one,though. Because in addition to this awesome present my boss brought back from the HR conference in N'awlins...

I am working just two days this week and then you'll found me on one of them aeroplanes headed for hotter than hades Texas where I will be vacationing with the fam by the lake - family reunion style
Aah....I can feel the relaxation already.
So talk amongst yourselves. I'll be back sometime next week.
Until then, consider heading over to my review blog and entering to win
Special K Protein Shakes (4 winners) or if you're in the Seattle area Wiggles Tickets
I think everyone needs a voodoo doll. Except the icky people- that's why these things were invented in the first place, right?
Have a great vacay, my dear. Have a margarita for me.
Have a lovely vacay! We'll be here when you get back. And please don't bring back a voodoo doll. Those things are creepy.
Have the most fabulous of vacays!!!!
I'll miss you! Have fun in Hades.
Have a great one!
MAN! Just when I come are leaving?! Have a good time! You need to come to a conference in New Orleans....and then we could party! :)
Have a BLAST!!! You deserve a little R&R.
Hope you had a good time. :)
Have a great time in Texas... Good luck staying cool :)
So, why didn't you get to go to SHRM.
I opted out because I'd rather go next year when it's in San Diego. I'm going to combine it with a family vacay to Seaworld and Legoland. I like it when part of my vacay is on my companies dime.
Well hell, if I'd have remember you were there I'd sure as shit have gone ;)
Thank you so much for those wiggles tickets girlie. Ben had the best time and a date with mommy and daddy was right up his alley....he's still rolling with the big brother thang. :) I'm emailing you a pic of him at the show. xo.
This is a good blog. I'm surprised I haven't spotted it out earlier. I would like us to exchange links. Let me know what you think about this. Thank you.
Recent blog:=- Happy Gilmore Opening Scene
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